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Our History

Know About Our Co-operative

We are excited to share the journey of our cooperative from its humble beginnings in the 1960s to its current status as a thriving organization with over 6000 members and 3000 monthly milk suppliers as of the end of the financial year 2021, with a cooling capacity of 16,000 litres of milk per day.

About the Founders
The Birth of Kirenget II
Mumberes Farmers Co-operative Society traces its roots back to the 1960s when it was established as Kirenget II, named after Kirenget I, which was located in the Molo Division of Nakuru County. Both Kirenget farms were originally colonial settler farms, but Kirenget II embarked on a unique journey as a land-buying company.
The General Growth
Transformation to Mumberes Farm
In the 1970s, the visionary farm directors of Kirenget II decided to rebrand the organization, giving it the name "Mumberes Farm." This marked a significant turning point in the cooperative's history, as it began to take on a more unified identity and purpose.
Official Registration and Growth
As Mumberes Farm flourished, its membership expanded rapidly. By December 1974, the cooperative had grown to an impressive 344 members. At this point, recognizing the need for formal recognition and legal status, Mumberes Farmers Co-operative Society was officially registered under the cooperative society act. This pivotal moment in its history came to fruition on 8th November 1982 when the cooperative received its official certificate.

Current Success

Since its registration, Mumberes Farmers Co-operative Society has experienced remarkable growth and success. From a modest beginning with 344 members, it has now blossomed into a vast network of over 6000 members, creating a strong and united community of farmers in the region. As of the end of the financial year 2021, the cooperative has achieved yet another milestone with an average of 3000 milk suppliers per month. This impressive feat showcases the dedication and hard work of both the cooperative and its members, solidifying Mumberes Farmers Co-operative Society's reputation as a key player in the agricultural landscape of Nakuru County.